I have now completed my review of your site, USS Lafayette SSBN 616. What a pleasure it was to visit your site! I found an enormous wealth of information and photographs pertaining to submarines. I enjoyed viewing all pages. I found the navigation to be easy to use and the layout of the site is very nice. You are to be heartily congratulated for preserving this history for all time. I am honored to present you with the "Quartermaster of Excellence Award." You have earned it.
Your Site has received the The Sub Report Editor's Choice Award. This Award is given based on Site content and design for the Submarine community. Please accept this small token of appreciation for your contributions. Bravo Zulu! Eric Ryle
We have reviewed your site and we would be honored to present you with the Patriot Website Award. You will then be entered into our Patriot Award Winner's web directory. Thank you for your hard work in support of our military. Patriot Award Committee
Congratulations! Your site has been selected to receive The American Association Of Webmasters, "Silver" Award. We see all the hard work and dedication that you have put into constructing your web site. Your site displays: A nice clean Design and Layout, with quality content and informative information for your visitors.
Excellent Web Site. It is what being a Veteran is all about. We all worked together to keep America safe and free. It's a pleasure to give our site award to you for a job VERY well done.
I have now completed my review of your site, USS Lafayette SSBN 616. It is quite obvious that you have put your heart and soul, and many hours into creating this site. You have also earned a very special limited issue "Thank You" graphic to be displayed on your website. Continued success and thank you for your spectacular site.
The staff of The Vietnam Experience website and Support Network have selected your website for the this award. Thanks for serving and helping veterans to preserve their memories and history.
The staff of The LZ Angel website and Support Network have selected your website for the this award. Thanks for serving and helping veterans to preserve their memories and history.
I just came from checking your site and enjoyed my visit very much and I am happy to give you my award. I am sending you my award as it is well deserved and shows a lot of hard work.